Submit Works
Do you have a project or work (home decor, interior design, gardening, DIY, remodeling, or any other topic linked to home decor and residential architecture) that you would like us to post on Brightsuggest? We enjoy reading new information and sharing new projects from around the world.
Give us a 500–1000 words (or more if you want to) description of your work (in English), along with at least five high-quality photographs (photos must be at least 1280 pixels wide; the more shots, the better). The drawings or ground plans (if there are any) and the credit for the photos should also be included if they are.
Your work will be reviewed. If your work meets our standards, we will publish it with full credit and photos.
Once your project has been published on Brightsuggest, you are welcome to link to it from your website or share it on your preferred social media network (s)!
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